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Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Hiking Ekoyi Iheaka Holy Mountain

Hiking Ekoyi Iheaka Holy Mountain

“Remember to follow only beaten trail and watch out for animal foot print and poo.” our guide voice echoed around the valley as we followed the tiny trail close to the foothill.

the hills

the trail

 The vegetation hid some view of the hill from us. We looked around for sticks to aid our ascent uphill but what was available were rotten cassava stems. We gave up the search when we found out that the hill was stony and easy to hike. 

I hid my fears and followed the others but when we got to a steep section and I cowered in fear. I shot a cursory gaze back then I became terrified. My group kept hailing me so that I will catch up with them, so I followed their advice and crawled my way up to the hill.

 The view from the hill was breathtaking. I stood for a moment uneasy; wondering how I got myself up here .The graceful palm trees dominated the scenery while other hills stood proudly afar. This particular hill we stood on is called Amube and Umuokome hills (the u in Amube is silent) it extended far in the background like a slanted “L’’ shape. The hills were infested by termites and bugs and around us were miniature termites’ hills.

Me wondering how i got this high

Termite hill

Termite hill 2

A particular ugly sound reverberated around the hills. I couldn’t tell which animal produced the sound but it was kind of creepy and unnerving. After some group photography we continued our hike.
In the first section of the hill, there was a lone iron cross erected there. Someone said prayer requests were granted there, so  we bowed our heads and said our prayers but the insects kept buzzing all over our faces.

Insects buzzing around my face

Prayer section

Faraway away on the hill was section for crosses; it had a total of fourteen crosses in all.  A member of the group who is also a native of the place said the hill is sacred to the Catholics. Soon we came across the sanctuary built by the Catholics. We obeyed the instructions we read on the signpost and uttered a prayer to God.  

the sanctuary and prayer alter

Paying respect

The strange noise grew louder and discomfort followed. While we were enjoying the view, we heard series of gunshots in downhill. We stopped immediately. Then we saw smoke floating from the same spot.
“A very important man has died”. Someone said as we stood, lost in thoughts of whatever rites that were being performed down there.

smoke from the village


There is the feeling that prevails high on the mountain, it something I cannot explain but you have to experience it yourself. The air is fresher and you feel lighter. The world seems smaller, the houses turned to tiny dots and the trees dominated the landscape.  You feel like you are just a speck in the picture.

trying to get the perfect shot of the sky

that moment you realised you beat your phobia

High up there, you are vulnerable because people can see you but you can’t see them. You wonder how many eyes followed you as you moved excitedly on the hills. The mountain eagles circled round and round the sky, I wondered what they were planning to feast on. It was later when we got down that I found out from the two lovely little girls I met.





“Snakes”. She said giggling. “The hills are infested with them. Patience continued. So it was the snakes that were making the horrible noises all over the hills. The girls told me that they have to hike the hills every day to get firewood for fuel.  They said the snakes are small and they are even scared to come out because of the eagles. 

My two little friends

Patience leading me to my friends

So we waited to see if an eagle will swoop down to catch one but none did. They kept circling the skies and making their usual calls. Soon a guinea fowl and it chick hopped out of nowhere, it sighted us and quickly hopped uphill with it chick. I tried to snap but it was too fast.  Then the children left while I rejoined my group to continue our adventure.

off to next adventure

Scenes from the village:a calabash stuck in a branch
community borehole

 Next post: 
                                            Destination  Nike lake  



  1. Next time use odormous against the insects...nice write up

  2. Good work nice one the fun was out of this world

  3. Nice place to be I guess, Please invite me on your next trip...

  4. What a great adventure to Ekoyi Iheaka Holy Mountain. I hate bugs too! Yuk. It's interesting to see religious areas honored in other cultures. Glad you survived the hike without any major problems.

    1. am so glad you liked it....more adventures on the way!

  5. I love the way u capture those scenes. Interesting scene, interesting location

  6. Awesome blog! I love your photos and interaction with the audience!
